When is Sajda-e-Sahw performed

Sajda-e-Sahw is done to correct mistakes or omissions made by mistake in Namaz. It ensures that Namaaz remains valid. It is especially done in situations when any Wajib (necessary) work is missed during Namaz.

When is Sajda-e-Sahw done?

1. On missing Wajib (necessary) work:

If any Wajib work is missed in Namaz by mistake.


Forgot to recite Tashahhud (Attahiyat) in the second Rakat.

Forgot to recite “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem” in Ruku.

2. On doing something extra in Namaz:

If any extra work is done in Namaz by mistake.


Read 5 Rakat instead of 4 Rakat.

Performed extra Ruku aur Sajda.

3. If there is a mistake in the sequence of Namaaz:

If there is any change in the sequence of Namaaz.


Prostrated Sajda before Ruku.

Standed up before Tashahhud.

See Also: How to do Tayammum

4. If there is a doubt about the number of Rakats:

If you are not able to understand whether you have prayed 3 Rakats or 4.

What should be done:

Complete the Namaaz assuming the lesser number (assuming 3 Rakats complete 4).

Perform Sajda Sahv.

5. Long pause during Namaz:

If due to any reason there is an unnecessary long pause or interruption in Namaaz.

06. If Rukn (obligatory actions) are missed

If any obligatory action in Namaaz like Tasbeeh, Ruku, Sajda, or Qayam is missed by mistake.

How to perform Sajda-e-Sahw?

1. When to do:

Sajdah-e-Sahwa is done at the end of Namaz, after Tashahhud (Attahiyat).

It can be done before or after Salam (depending on the Imam or school of thought).

2. Method of Sajda-e-Sahw

Before the final Tashahhud:

After reciting Tashahhud (Attahiyat), perform two Sajdahs.

After Sajdahs:

Then recite Tashahhud, Durood and Dua.

Complete the Namaz with Salam.

Important points:

1. Sajdah-e-Sahwa is only for mistakes done by mistake.

2. If Farz (obligatory) work is missed, then Sajdah-e-Sahwa will not complete the Namaz; in such a case, Namaz will have to be done again.

3. Sajda-e-Sahw is a means of completing the Namaz and getting it accepted in the court of Allah.

See Also: The 6 Farz in Namaz

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