The method of ghusl is found in the books of hadith based on the practice and instructions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). It is explained in detail in Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and Jami Tirmizi. Ghusl is also mentioned in the Quran, which states its necessity.
In Islam, it is mandatory to remain pure at all times and the purpose of Ghusl is to purify the entire body so that a person can be religiously clean and ready. Ghusl is done after certain special conditions, such as after marital relations, after menstruation, night fall or after childbirth.

Complete method of Ghusl (Steps for Performing Ghusl)
1. Do Niyyat (Intention): First of all, make the intention in your heart that you are doing Ghusl so that you can achieve purity. This has to be done in the mind; it is not necessary to say it in words.
2. Wash hands: After making Niyyat, first of all wash both your hands up to the wrist three times so that they become clean.
3. Clean the private parts: Then wash your private parts thoroughly and if there is any dirt on the body, then wash that too so that any kind of impurity can be removed.
5. Perform ablution (Wudu): Then perform the full ablution procedure, as is done before prayer. This includes:
- Wash both hands thoroughly
- Then rinse your mouth with water (make sure all parts of your mouth are clean)
- Put water in your nose and clean your nose
- Wash your face after washing your mouth and nose, then wash your right and left hands up to the elbows
- Masah of the head (wetting your hands and rubbing them on your head)
- You can wash your feet last, or at the end of your ghusl.
6. Wash your right and left shoulders: After ablution, first pour water on your right shoulder and side three times and rub it clean. Then pour water on your left shoulder and side three times and wash it thoroughly.
7. Wash your head and hair: Pour water on your head three times, making sure that the water reaches the roots of your hair. If you have long hair, make sure that the water reaches the scalp.
8. Wash the entire body: Then wash the entire body in such a way that no part remains dry. Pay special attention to getting water behind the ears, between the fingers and toes, and all parts of the body.
Some important points:
Ghusl includes gargling, putting water in the nose, and pouring water over the entire body. Without this, ghusl will not be considered.
The main purpose of ghusl is that the entire body is cleansed, so make sure that water flows over all parts of the body.
See Also: Adhan in Arabic, English