How many farz in Wudu?

There are four Farz (obligations) in Wudu, which are necessary to be included in Wudu, and without which Wudu will not be complete.
- Washing the Face
- Washing the Hands up to the Elbows
- Performing Masah (Wiping) of the Head
- Washing the Feet up to the Ankles
There are also some Sunnah and Mustahab (good) methods of ablution that make it more complete, such as washing the hands thoroughly first, gargling the mouth, putting water in the nose, and washing each body part three times.
1. Washing the face (مِنَ الْوَجْهِ)
It is compulsory to wash the entire face in wudu. In this, it is necessary to flow water from one earlobe to the other earlobe and from the hair on the forehead to below the chin.
It is important that the water flows through every part of the face; if there is a beard on the face then flow the water thoroughly till the roots of the hair.
2. Washing the Hands up to the Elbows (غسل اليدين إلى المرفقين)
In wudu, it is necessary to wash both hands including the elbows. It is necessary to pour water thoroughly on both hands up to the elbows.
If you are wearing a ring or bracelet on your hand, shake it to ensure that water reaches beneath it.
3. Performing Masah (Wiping) of the Head (مَسْحُ الرَّأْسِ)
Wiping the head is the third farz of wudu. Applying wet hands on 1/4th of the head is called masah. Wet hands are used to wipe the head, and it is necessary to wipe at least one-fourth of the head.
If the head is covered (such as with a cap or scarf), it is necessary to remove it for wiping so that the water reaches the scalp or hair directly.
There is no need to take new water for wiping; one can use already wet hands.
4. Washing the Feet up to the Ankles (مِنَ الْأَرْجُلِ إِلَى الْكَعْبَيْنِ)
The fourth farz of wudu is to wash the feet. This includes washing both feet including the ankles. While washing the feet, it is important to reach water between the fingers as well so that no part is left without water. Therefore, water should be reached to the fingers by moving them a little.
If socks are worn, they must be removed so that the water can reach the entire foot. (However, if wiping over socks is permissible, wiping over socks may be done under certain conditions.) Also, the ankles must be washed, so the water must be passed over the ankles.
See Also: What are the Five Pillars of Islam?